
Writing flexible orchestral, hybrid orchestral, chamber or smaller ensemble music for various projects. Commissions are open!"Retrograde" EP now out on Bandcamp!

Works currently available on bandcamp:

Orchestral Covers on YouTube:


Animation scoring:

More available on my YouTube!

Terms of Service

ALL LISTED PRICES ARE FLEXIBLE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DEPENDING ON THE CLIENT'S FINANCIAL SITUATION AND THE PURSUIT OF SUSTAINABILITY IN A PROJECTCommissioned works will not be used for any commercial purpose unless a specific agreement is made.The commissioner will have a maximum of 7 days to submit payment immediately after which the commission is finished.Payment can be accepted either through Paypal and Kofi.A rush job - a commission with a strictly defined deadline that falls within a month of ordering - warrants the addition of a 10-100% rush fee depending on the scale of the work commissioned.

All of my works fall under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike license, meaning that this license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon my work non-commercially, as long as I am credited with the 'other' in question licensing their new creations under the identical terms.
Others can download and redistribute my work, but they can also translate, make remixes, and produce new stories based on my work. All new work based on mine will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also be non-commercial in nature

Any of the following is considered an infringement on the previously-stated license:
- Using any commission work commercially without evidence of a prior agreement allowing such
- Taking credit for the composition or not properly crediting the composer
- Not licensing derivative work under the same license as the original work

Purchase of Commercial Rights (Active as of 23:22, 18/04/2023)
If the commissioner intends to use the music written for a commercial purpose, this will require additional payment of 100% of the original piece's price.
Commercial use is any reproduction or purpose that is marketed, promoted, or sold and incorporates a financial transaction. This does not include YouTube videos, free visual novels or any other projects that passively make money through ad revenue, Patreon subscription or other such methods.However, purchase of commercial rights is required if the piece is used to advertise or directly part of a product behind a paywall.